Friday, September 28, 2012

Forces of Change (a book under publication)

All over the world, people talk about it. It is a common advice how we could live better lives. That magical word is change. Exactly what is change. This book is intended to share the “how to” of change rather than just talking about it. To begin, as Max Planck had pointed out : “All matter originates and exists by virtue of a force. We must assume that behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter. It is here that physics and metaphysics begin to overlap. - actually demanding a re-integration of science, philosophy and spirituality in order to fully understand how both our world and we work. A universe consisting of one vast web or matrix of interconnected seemingly intelligent energy forming the Newtonian-Darwinian model of independent isolated and separate systems and entities into an antiquated and apparently inaccurate relics”. Planck explained that “the universal energy or quantum web as illustrated in countless experiments responds or reacts to human thoughts, expectations, beliefs and even emotion. Afterall, thoughts, expectations, beliefs and emotions are really nothing more than another form or expression of the same thing : quantum energy. In other words, we are essentially both a product of and energetically connected to everything and everyone that exists in our environment.” (Read “The Synthesis Effect” by John Mcgrail).

A Nobel Prize winning quantum physicist, Planck should know what is force, or quantum energy and how it responds to our thoughts, beliefs, expectations and emotions, which are another form of energy just like light, gravity, electricity, and magnetism. Originally, the universe was thought to be composed of earth, water, fire, air and aether. Greek Philosopher Democritus had proposed an “atomism” approach on the premise that when a pile of pebbles was repeatedly divided in halves, it would reach a point when the pile would be left with one last pebble and when the last pebble was further broken in halves, the fragment would be so small that it could not be divided into anything smaller thereby unveiling the secrets of matter. (read the book “Atom” by Isaac Asimov) Robert Boyle carried out experiments on gases on such an atomism approach and found that compounds of gas like carbon dioxide can be broken down to their chemically indivisible building-block elements called atom. Through the works of John Dalton, Joseph Louis Proust and many others, scientists had finally albeit two thousand years later achieved a major breakthrough change - discovery of atom as the basic element of matter. The periodic table provides ample evidence of a force that originates matter in mirror-image pairs of opposites called atoms the basic building block elements of the universe. Hundreds of thousands of organic and inorganic compounds have been formed that greatly change our lives for the better.

The only issue to be answered is what is the source or cause of this universal force? According to conventional Newtonian laws, energy makes things happen or performs work. Heat is a form of energy so is light, and its whole range of associative electromagnetic waves, electricity, magnetism, and gravity etc. It is formless and indestructible. It exists in various form i.e. Light, electricity, magnetism, and gravity etc. It can be converted from one energy to another. As an illustration, electricity, a form of energy is convertible to other form of energy - magnetism and electromagnetic waves that perform works like telecommunications and mechanical motion. Heat, a species of electromagnetic waves is convertible to light (heat, electromagnetic waves etc) and light convertible to mass and gravity etc all of which are interconnected by cause and effect relationships. This phenomenon of interchangeability of energy causes change in the universe according to the basic laws of science i.e. The law of conservation of energy and Einstein's energy-mass equation : E=MC2. Energy is in a constant state of interaction as may be represented by the change and order equation: (+1) + (-1) = 0.

At the atomic level, energy causes the mirror-image opposites of negative charge (electrons) and positive charge to join them as different atoms and molecules losing energy in the process. At the sub-atomic or nuclear level, it is again energy that causes the electrons (energy) to interact with positrons (minus the protons), to convert neutrons to protons and protons to neutrons to form diverse basic building blocks of the universe. There exist constant interactions between negative charge (electrons) and positive charge (positrons minus the protons) taking place at the heart of neucleus to form different building blocks of atoms the basic constituent of the universe.

In short, the universe functions according to basic laws of interchangeability of energy, and energy-mass (existence) dualism. Based on these basic laws, the universe comes into existence on four levels of energy interactions, namely: cosmic, (holding the cosmos in a state of balance) atomic, (holding subparticles within atom) strong interaction (exchange among subatomic particles) and weak interaction due to such a force – attraction of the opposites. (read "Atom" by Isaac Asimov). Our brain cells are connected electrically to our heart, lung and numerous other organs etc through the same interchangeability of energy and energy-mass duaalism. Our thought, another form of energy, triggers emotive or muscular/adrenalin stimulus that enables us to sense light and other happenings to function as human being.

Chinese philosophers like Fuxi, King Wen, Lao Tzu, and Confucius had observed a change and order phenomenon of nature possessing the unique yin (negative) and yang(positive) characteristics owing to attraction of the opposites. In his book Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu reasoned that there was a Tao or higher order ruling the universe. He advised that we ought "to live in accordance with nature, not to go against the way of things and not claiming greatness, to achieve real greatness" and that "through serving the needs of others, our own needs will be fulfilled", and "after you have attained your purpose, you must not parade your success, you must not boast of your ability", "it is a good sign that a man's higher nature comes forward, bad sign that man's lower nature comes forward". (Read Dr. Wayne Dyer's book "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your lives") Dr. Wayne who has written many books on Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, observed that Lao Tzu's thoughts have been the most influential thoughts on human behaviors. Lao Tzu was right in saying that there is a Tao, a higher order that rules the universe. Planck had said it in a more scientific way – there is a force or cause that originates the universe. Such a force manifests itself as Change and Order occurrences possessing Yin and Yang characteristics of being negative and positive, female and male, alkaline and acidic, passive and active etc. The Tao is the source of laws that rules the universe. It manifests itself as cause and effect relationships as seen in the interchangeability of energy and energy-mass dualism. Today, our tasks are being performed efficiently and productively based on cause and effect relationships. Computers are functioning in object-function processes arranged in cause and effect relationships that cause change and make things happen.Obviously such a universal force is not necessarily explained by the Newtonian-Darwinian physical laws verified by sight, sound and touch and other human sensorial organs. We need cause and effect relationship to explain such change and order phenomenon and Yin and Yang characters of things.

In order words, the universe is seen to function in a change and order phenomenon. There is a connectivity in such a change and order phenomenon. We have shown in the foregoing that through the atomism approach, scientists have succeeded in unlocking the secrets of universe – cause and effect relationships connecting the physical universe. Such an approach is nothing new. It is also known as the reductionist or prototyping approach in information engineering. Mark Twain had clearly implied a reductionist approach in advising that "the secret of success is to get ahead, the secret of getting ahead is to divide complex and overwhelming tasks in smaller manageable and attainable tasks and get started on the first one" Bill Gates the chief of Microsoft Corporation one of the most influential chief executives of our times, has revealed that "when we show people the problems and show them the solution, they will be moved to act". Thinkers and philosophers have been attempting to answer such cause and effect relationships for ages. In their book, “Great Thinkers, A-Z” by Julian Baggin and Jereng Hangroom, these authors have pointed out that philosophers have discovered mathematical regularities in nature and reasoned from these to provide account for geometry and musical pitch. Templates were set for the big three, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle who together developed the rational method of enquiries to better explain behaviors of nature than that based on myth. Plato had aptly pointed out: "knowledge consisted of ideas on the one hand and material things. Aristotle and others too had said: "We are what we repeatedly do; excellence is not an act but a habit". Socrates and Plato seemed to think that knowledge required certainty while Aristotle sought certainty with mathematics which contended with probablities in political theories. By the seventeenth century, Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz thought that human knowledge should be established on a firm foundation with the same precision of mathematical proof. This optimism for mathematical solutions soon faded led by criticism of Locke and Hume. By the nineteenth century, pragmatists such as Dewey, James and Peirce argued crudely that what is true is what works.

In practice, in information and project tasks are arranged as objects to be processed against functional or cause and effect relationships. E. F. Codd the founder of database management had defined relational database thus: "at the core of relationship model, is relation. A relation is a set of columns and rows collected in a table." Relationships may be one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many. Database relational processing of tasks is already a reality. It offer a concrete platform that translates the intangible goals, objectives and values known as attitude to two-way interaction among people. We communicate over the internet on such “Open System Interconnection” (OSI) protocol (relationship) at speed of light tapping on the power of interaction of positive (positron or anti-electron) and negative charge (electron) at the atomic level (read page 201, "Atom" by Isaac Asimov) There exist ample evidence apart from the periodic table proving that the universe function according to such basic laws of interchangeability of energy and energy-mass dualism. In searching for information with google or other internet search engines, we simply type in an associative word to get to what we are searching for. Knowledge is connected by cause and effect relationships.

At the sub-atomic level, electromagnetic waves like light and cosmic rays interact with matter with emission of electrons that perform work leading to change. The radioactive breakdowns of atom into different isotopes itself is a further evidence of such basic law at work - interchangeability of energy and energy-mass (existence) dualism. Significantly, mass (in mirror-image pairs) would vanish back to nothingness on contagion leaving the original energy intact as gamma rays. There is no doubt that the universe is ruled by interchangeability of energy and energy-existence dualism leading to creation and indefinite expansions and annihilations of the universe.

We need to structure our thoughts, behaviors and actions on a concrete platform in order to live better lives. In other words, we need to translate our intangible thoughts and beliefs to tangible steps or actions on a concrete platform connected by such interactive relationships. Lao Tzu is right in advising people to live selfless lives in accord with such higher order of universe so is Einstein who advised that "the highest destiny of an individual is to serve rather than to rule".

With such positive attitude that there is a force, the right way of living our lives we could then harness the social forces at work. The common way of expressing such a positive attitude is in relation to change, purpose of existence or happiness. Benjamin Desraeli, had observed that “A sense of existence is the greatest happiness”. St Augustine had said: “Happiness counts in the attainment of our desires and in our having right desires” Sereca had said "A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances but rather a person in a certain set of attitudes". George Bernard Shaw had noted that “progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything” Robert Louis Stevenson had stated thus: “to be what we are and to become what we are capable of is the only end in life". Mahatma Gandhi, had advised that “we must be the change we want to see in the world” and "if you want something really important to be done, you must not only satisfy the reason, you must move the heart also". Earl Nightingale had observed that: "Our attitude towards life determines life's attitude towards us". Antoine de Saint – Exupery had stated : “The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves but by our attitudes towards them” Thomas Jefferson had held that "Nothing can stop the men with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal"

Hence, change is a matter of attitude. With a belief that there is such a force called Tao that rules the universe and our lives, we can truly and effectively desire change, and we can change. However to be positive is not all, we need to interact with people with two-way social exchange, Sun Tzu Art of War and Goleman's EQ-IQ interactions are both practical way of interacting with people. By being positive in our attitude, passionate, persistent, service-oriented, we influence people to add values to relationships for the good of all. Such two-way interaction is in conformity with the Tao Te dualism – doing of the right things. Being positive is one thing. To be able to take the first step is quite another. Peter Drucker widely regarded as the father of modern management had noted that "it is most important to do the right things rather than doing the things right".
.................... Reply to post of Chan Li Li: Chan Li Li's post: advises people to "THINK" - signifying is it true, helpful, inspiring, necessary and kind" This is relationship-based process management. In it you will find core tasks recalled by such acronym as you have illustrated. Great quotation.


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