All over the world, people talk about it. It is the cure to our human ills and foibles. That magical word is change. Mankind has been suffering from wars, conflicts and many other miseries due to human greed and ego. The time has come for all to tackle the root cause of these problems. The solution is through change. This book is aimed at unravelling the secret of change. To begin, as Max Planck had pointed out : “All matter originates and exists by virtue of a force. We must assume that behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter. It is here that physics and metaphysics begin to overlap. - actually demanding a re-integration of science, philosophy and spirituality in order to fully understand how both our world and we work. Planck explained that “the universal energy or quantum web as illustrated in countless experiments responds or reacts to human thoughts, expectations, beliefs and even emotion. Afterall, thoughts, expectations, beliefs and emotions are really nothing more than another form or expression of the same thing : quantum energy. In other words, we are essentially both a product of and energetically connected to everything and everyone that exists in our environment.” (Read “The Synthesis Effect” by John Mcgrail).
Before delving into change, let us touch briefly on the basic issue of existence. Simply put, there can be no change without prior existence; no existence without a force that originates matter. At one time, the universe was thought to be composed of earth, water, fire, air and aether. Greek Philosopher Democritus had proposed an “atomism” approach on the belief that when a pile of pebbles was repeatedly divided in halves, it would reach a point when the pile would be left with one last pebble and when the last pebble was further broken in halves, the fragment would be so small that it could not be divided into anything smaller thereby unveiling the secrets of matter. (read the book “Atom” by Isaac Asimov) Robert Boyle carried out experiments on gases on such an atomism approach and found that compounds of gas like carbon dioxide can be broken down to their chemically indivisible building-block elements called atom. Through the further works of John Dalton, Joseph Louis Proust and many others, it was finally established by scientists albeit two thousand years late there there exists at the centre of atom a force that originates matter as may be represented by the Change and Order equation: (+1) + (-1) = 0. Thanks to the atomism approach, today, hundreds of thousands of organic and inorganic compounds are routinely manufactured from this force greatly improving our human lives.
Looking back, Chinese philosophers Fuxi, King Wen, Lao Tzu, and Confucius had observed a Change and Order phenomenon of nature possessing Yin and Yang characteristics of things. Such a phenomenon of nature is not very different from that stated in the foregoing change and order equation. In his book "Tao Te Ching" Lao Tzu observed a Tao or higher order ruling the universe. He advised people "to live in accordance with nature, not to go against the way of things and not claiming greatness, to achieve real greatness" and that "through serving the needs of others, our own needs will be fulfilled", and "after you have attained your purpose, you must not parade your success, you must not boast of your ability", "it is a good sign that a man's higher nature comes forward, bad sign that man's lower nature comes forward". The Tao according to Lao Tzu, does not stand alone. It is complemented by Te, the virtue of action. (Read Dr. Wayne Dyer's book "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your lives") Dr. Wayne who has written many books on Lao Tzu's teachings observed that these Lao Tzu's thoughts have been the most influential thoughts on human behaviors.
Albert Einstein widely acknowledged as the greatest scientist who ever live had advised that "the highest destiny of an individual is to serve rather than to rule" implying existence of higher laws ruling our existence. J.M. Juran widely regarded as the father of quality management saw a change and control relationship in change as elaborated in his book “Breakthrough Change". Juran defined breakthrough change as “a dynamic decisive movement to a new higher level of performance” He lamented that some management gurus of his day had assumed his change and control (order) dualism as their own knowledge. Alfred Chandler had recognized a “structure follows strategy” or form and substance dictum essential to making things happen.
The solution is change. Yet, from experiences, it is too difficult for people to change because of selfness, self-centeredness or ego. We tend to look at things from an inward-looking perspective or paradigm. In “Great Thinkers, A-Z” authors Julian Baggin and Jereng Hangroom, have pointed out that philosophers have discovered mathematical regularities in nature and reasoned from these to provide account for geometry and musical pitch. Templates were set for the big three, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle who together developed the rational method of enquiries to better explain behaviors of nature than that based on myth. While Plato had aptly pointed out: "knowledge consisted of ideas on the one hand and material things, Aristotle had said: "We are what we repeatedly do; excellence is not an act but a habit". Socrates and Plato seemed to think that knowledge required certainty while Aristotle sought certainty with mathematics which contended with probablities in political theories. By the seventeenth century, Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz thought that human knowledge should be established on a firm foundation with the same precision of mathematical proof. This optimism for mathematical solutions soon faded led by criticism of Locke and Hume. By the nineteenth century, pragmatists such as Dewey, James and Peirce argued crudely that what is true is what works.
Further, in "Physics of the Atom" M. Russell Wehr and James A. Richards Jr. (page 167) had stated: "Certainly one of the most dramatic relativistic change of energy from one form to another is in the phenomenon known as pair production. In 1928 Dirac anticipated the existence of a 'pair' to electron from his relativistic wave-mechanics theory of the energy of an electron. Dirac's bizarre's and rather spooky idea was vindicated in 1932 by Anderson in his famous cloud chamber experiment in which a cosmic ray (photon) directed to fall on a thin lead sheet (6 mm) was found to split into two curves in opposite directions under the influence of electromagnetic field which were found to be paths taken by negativeky charged electron and its opposite pair the positively charged positron (antielectron). Because electron are common in all matter, the lives of positron are very short. Once positron has lost most of its kinetic energy, it will move quickly towards an attracting electron. When electron and positron finally join, they annihilate each other and The production of annihilation radiation is the converse of materialization of energy. Eventually more experiments were conducted with particle accelerators which have proven that much heavier anti-particles: anti-protons, anti-world's equivalent's of the nucleus of hydrogen atom were similarly formed as mirror-image pairs of various matter. That was done by Emilio Seagre and Owen Chamberlain at Berkeley in California in 1955. (see page 170, Physics of the Atom by M. Russell Wehr and James A. Richards Jr.) We are living in a dualistic universe, ruled by a power of zero or nothingness. Such a power referred to as higher order rules the universe with basic laws of science like the laws of conservation of energy-mass, electric charge and momentum. They explain how galaxies are formed namely from interactions of the opposites the (+1-gravity) and (-1, black holes). Scientists have established that the universe comes into existence on four levels of interactions namely: cosmic, (holding the cosmos in a state of balance) atomic, (holding subparticles within atom) strong interaction (exchange among subatomic particles) and weak interaction due to such a force – attraction of the opposites. (read "Atom" by Isaac Asimov).
Despite past experiences unfortunately there is basically no change in the way do our businesses, run our governments or leading our lives. From our review of past knowledge on the subject of change and causation, it should be clear that the secret of change lies in relationship. Aristotle for one had advised: "we are what we repeatedly do". Ezra Benson had stated: “thought leads to acts, acts lead to habits, habits lead to character which determine our destiny”Alvin Toffler had related our lives to change in stating that: “change is not merely necessary to life, it is life.” Benjamin Desraeli, too had stated: “A sense of existence is the greatest happiness”. St Augustine too had pointed out that “Happiness counts in the attainment of our desires and in our having right desires” Robert Louis Stevenson had pointed out that “to be what we are and to become what we are capable of is the only end in life". Sereca had said "A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances but rather a person in a certain set of attitudes". George Bernard Shaw had noted that “progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything” Antoine de Saint – Exupery had stated : “The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves but by our attitudes towards them” Earl Nightingale had observed that: "Our attitude towards life determines life's attitude towards us". Thomas Jefferson had held that "Nothing can stop the men with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal" St Francis of Assis had advised to "start by doing the necessary; then do what is possible ; and suddenly you will be doing the impossible".Wayne Dyer too believed that through positive attitudes, we could make things happen in saying: “I cannot always control what is going on outside, but I can always control what is going on inside” Mahatma Gandhi, had advised that “we must be the change we want to see in the world” and "if you want something really important to be done, you must not only satisfy the reason, you must move the heart also". From all these wisdom, we could see that cause and effect relationships determining change. In "Relation Marketing" Ian Gordan had observed that “behaviors stem from attitudes, which are in turn formed by many things including friends, family, society, experiences, and learning. This is a relationship. Relationships are the most valuable of all intangibles.” Michael Gerber had expressed relationship thus: "if your thinking is sloppy, your business will be sloppy. If you are disorganized, your business will be disorganized. If you are greedy, your employees will be greedy giving you less and less and always asking for more" Peter Drucker widely regarded as the father of modern management had attributed change to basic relationships in stating that "it is most important to do the right things rather than doing the things right".
There is a force behind such cause and effect relationships possessing the power of the attraction of the opposites or "Yin" and "Yang" elements of matter ruling our lives. How do such basic laws work in our lives. Let us examine some of the common secrets of success. In "8 Traits Successful People have in common", by Richard St John revealed that through extensive surveys and interviews with celebrities there are 8 traits of success. These are: "Passion, Work, Focus, Push, Ideas, Improve, Serve and Persist" In his book "Six Fundamentals of Success", Stuart R. Levine summed up thus: "Everyone has his or her style at work. But if you look at people who are successful, you will find similarities. They always do the most important things first and they know how to prioratize. They can sum up how their company stand out from the pack only in a few minutes. They work with a sense of urgency every day. They are the kind of qualities and habits that never go out of style."
In short, from our review of past knowledge the basic laws include the following:-
1. There is a force that originates matter in the universe.
2. This force possesses the power of the Zero and manifests itself as may be repreented by the change and order equation: (+1) + (-1) = 0.
3. Thoughts is a form of energy. It interacts with all energy in electrochemical processes in our bodies.
4. By being positive in our attitudes towards things and lives, we interact with behaviors and actions that add values in energy-based relationships.
The force manifests itself in many ways - power of attraction of the opposites or yin and yang characteristics of things, interactions of energy, through cause and effect relationships etc. Thoughts is energy. As energy they could interact with other energy to cause change. As well elaborated in "Physics of the Atom" by M. Russel Wehr and James A. Richards Junior", "Electrons are common in all matter, the lives of positron are very short. Once a positron has lost most of its kinetic energy in passing near charged particles, it will move quickly towards an attracting electron. Before union occurs, these particles sometimes revolve momentarily about their center of mass in a semi-stable configuration called the positronium. When an electron and positron finally join they annihilate each other and become electromagnetic radiation" Energy exists in different form e.g. light, electricity, magnetism, gravity and human thought as well etc. Thought like electromagnetism or electricity is yet another form of energy. As energy, it interacts with other energy to cause change. Light, magnetism and electricity as energy are all interconnected by cause and effect relationships. One energy is convertible to another e.g. electricity to magnetism, light to mass etc depending on their cause and effect relationships, e.g. Einstein's energy-mass equation: E = MC2. In fact, Dirac had anticipated in 1928 the existence of matter in pairs. His bizzare theory was confirmed by cloud chamber experimentations by Anderson where it was found that photon on impact on thin lead sheet splits into electron (-1) and anti-electron (+1) (positron). Electron (energy) interacts with antielectron (positrons, minus the protons), within atom converting neutrons to protons and protons back to neutrons to form yet other smaller building blocks. It is a well established scientific fact that the converse is true - electrons (-1) and antielectrons (-1) interact to form photon (light) and could well vanish back to nothingness (0) on contagion leaving the original energy intact as gamma rays. Light could trigger emissions of electrons in various matter in what is known as photoelectric effect under certain conditions. Sunlight reacts with the cholestorol in our body to produce life sustaining vitamin B in our bodies. The electrons and positrons are interacting through our thoughts triggering our behaviors and actions to work together under the influence of Yin and Yang causation.
Energy is quantum. It interacts with other energy in quantum or muliples in formation of matter from nothingness. Heat, light, electricity and magnetism are energy. They interact in quantum to form isotopes, atoms and other building blocks of matter. The reverse is true. Energy i.e. photon (light energy) can be broken down into electron and positron due to the interaction of energy in quantum. This dualism of the universe is found in experiments in cloud chamber whereby photon was directed to fall on a thin sheet of lead which on impact was found to be divided into electron and positron (antielectron) which are opposite mirror-image entity of electron. Although we have yet to understand fully why and how nature comes into being in preset quantum, at the subatomic level, (read "101 Quantum Questions" by Kenneth W. Ford) there is no doubt that quantum determines everything happening in the universe. It determines how thoughts a form of energy are formed and translated to our behaviors and execution. Our thoughts are made of electrons and positrons and their subatomic quarks. Such quantum interactions between force, energy, mass and spin in fundamental particles are found to be subject to different laws which are unmistakably unpredictable. Occurrence of change is unpredictable. When and where a quantum energy will jump to different states of energy causing change in our brain cells is itself unpredictable. It triggers emotive or muscular/adrenalin responses of our heart, lung and numerous other organs which are beyond our rational control.
Quantum behaviors of atoms and subparticles combination between protons and neutrons, electrons and neutrinos in varied relationships. This is a universe dominated by relationships. Scientists have found that the quantum nature of matter has made our existence interesting and less boring as otherwise we will have a universe of hydrogens dominating the whole universe. E. F. Codd the founder of database management had defined relational database thus: "at the core of relationship model, is relation. A relation is a set of columns and rows collected in a table." Relationships may be one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many. Our thoughts being a form of energy, interact with other energy via such relational databses. By being positive in our thought, we are imparting energy to cause change with our behaviors, habits, body language, sixth sense or telepathy. At the primary level of materialization of mass from energy, positron and electricity interact in an unpredictable quantum manner to form different levels of matter with different forces within atoms. There are altogether four levels of interactions among particles and subparticles within atoms as elaborated earlier. At the biological level, scientists have discovered that there are various molecular relationships that evolve over time that do not follow normal rules. Neuroscientists have discovered that our brain cells are connected electrically with our heart, lung and other organs in cause-effect relationship. By being positive in our attitudes towards things, we are imparting a force via our thought and behaviors to others to effect change. Today, we communicate over the internet at speed of light in “Open System Interconnection” (OSI) protocol (relationship) because of electron-positron cause-effect relationships interacting within our brain cells. Yet habits die hard. There is a tendency for people to probe into the cognitive and metaphysical researches including studying of behaviors of atoms within the compression engine with a view to applying such knowledge to the social and economic sphere. However from past experiences, theoretical conceptualizations are abstract and metaphysical depending on accuracy of assumptions which may turn out to be different or even unattainable in practice. They satisfy the ego but cannot be acted upon in practice. To avoid such disappointments, we need to structure our thoughts on a realistic prototype or model as in the atomism approach to facilitate execution.
This book is aimed at uncovering the cause and effect relationships and structure our intangible thoughts and ideas on a concrete foundation as end-in-mind actionable targets e.g. cost-capacity or quality-time-cost processes to facilitate execution. Execution holds the key to change. It falls in the realm of management. Management, however had been defined conceptually and technically by Margaret Follet as an art of getting things done through people. Henri Fayol, had conceived of tasks as consisting of technical, commercial, accounting, security and managerial activities and alternatively as planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Technically, it is logical to define tasks with clear definition, orderly processes, fostering of ideas, unity of control, authority and direction, esprit de corps, specializations, fair remuneration etc. Technically, as Lyndall Urwick had established there are ten principles of organizations namely: principles of Objective, Specialization, Coordination, Authority, Responsibility, Definition, Correspondence, Span of Control, Balance and Continuity. Yet, as Frederick Taylor, the father of scientific method, had revealed in his famous best-fit method efficiency and productivity is not dependent on technicalities or scientific methodology alone. Taylor;s Best-Fit scientific method ended in labor disputes with the workforce. There are many schools of thoughts e.g. Classical, Scientific, Behavioral, Management Science, System, Contingency, and Back to Basics. Hundreds of “impactful ideas on efficiency and productivity” are being churned out in an avalanche of books and publications. The Harvard Business Reviews regularly feature management topics covering leadership, motivation, measurement of corporate performance, organizational learning, self-directed learning, talent management, strategies for growth, top-line growth, turnarounds, work-life balance, supply chains, pricing, negotiations and conflicts, mergers and acquisitions, price-capacity charting etc. Operation Research or Scientific Method, offer applications including critical path method, decision making criteria, statistical analyses, transportation and inventory control etc. Among the Human Relation and Motivation approaches, Elton Mayo (Hawthorne Investigation), Robert Owen (world's first enlightened manager) and David McClelland, had laid down basic groundwork on motivation of people. The Human Relation Movement suggested that organizations are social, people are motivated by needs rather than the straightforward rewards, informal groups exercise the major influence on organizational behavior, jobs are more complex than description, job satisfaction is a higher priority than appreciation etc. (Read: "Organization and Behavior" by John Middleton) Douglas McGregor had expanded on Theory X and Theory Y views of workers' productivity, while Abraham Maslow on the hierarchy of needs as basics of motivation. McGregor however had proven based on surveys that in real work places managers hardly got involved in any serious planning, organizing, leading and controlling but were more occupied with some liaison, and figurehead roles. Luther Gulick, Lyndall Urwick and Max Weber had come up with organization theories as one of the key approach to management for change. As events unfolded, the world has grappled with diverse concepts and theories. In practice, as Chester Barnard and Oliver Sheldon had pointed out getting things done or making things happen is a matter of harnessing of social forces at work. All these past experiences tell us that the intuitive and self-centered conceptualization methodologies of the past have failed to work. It would appear that we have been made to go round and round in circles by conceptual approaches without solutions to our problems which are caused by neglect of the basic laws of nature.
It may be asked: have we not gone through enought wars and human conflicts dominated by human selfness, ego, exploitations and abuses in its various guises from the beginning of history. Isn't it enough for us to realize that all these problems could have been better resolved without selfness and self-centeredness also known as ego. Many solutions have been proposed. Concepts of democracy, rule of laws, capitalism and many others have not solved our deep-seated human problems. World bodies have been formed to help secure peace among nations. Financial and political crises are happening over and over again plunging millions of people out of livelihoods causing deep suffering to mankind. Solutions are long in coming. It is clear that the ultimate solution lies in change. Change depends on execution. Yet, saying is easy. There is great resistance to change, the main reason being ego, human selfness or self-centeredness. Wars are being fought for no better reason than ego or self-centeredness. Governments are run with egoism, self-centeredness, hypocrisies and dishonesty. What we need is transformational change. For transformational change, we simply ought to live in accord with the change and order of the universe and the Yin and Yang elements of things. There have been calls for open, objective and transparent governance. Such calls have led to legalistic wrangling of democracy, rule of law, laws and regulations to serve the hidden self-serving agenda of power that be. There is no change. What we truly need is a reliable and trustworthy selfless rule-of-thumb execution process supported by virtue of actions (Te). From our above-elaborated review, we do see that there are sufficient scientific evidence:
1. There is force that originates matter.
2. Thought is a form of energy. It interact with other energy e.g. heat, electricity, electromagnetic waves to cause change.
3. The conventional planning, organizing, leading and controlling being too abstract and conceptual have failed to work.
4. By being positive in our attitudes, we could selflessly lead by example, serving others and doing of the right things. By serving others, we are serving ourselves and being in accord with higher order of nature.
5. We could effectively manage our tasks with a "Rule-of-thumb" approach.
6. Through such a rule-of-thumb approach, we could interact with people with two-way pro-people and pro-right workflow processes to enable all to work with value-adding behaviors in accord with the change and order phenomenon and Yin and Yang character of things.
Concepts like leadership, meritocracy, motivation, creativity and innovation are too abstract to be put into practice. Today we have seen people being engaged in concepts which are rhetoric and are not doable or attainable. Experiences tell us that many end up with doing the bolt and nut under conceptualization rather than attaining true efficiency and productivity or breakthrough change. We need to break the cast or the mould and adopt an atomism approach to eliminate the fluffs and establish the substance. Similarly through the atomism approach, we could better identify our core tasks and perform them consistently in steps of cause and effect relationships. By adopting positive attitude, we are injecting shared values for harnessing of social forces of organization. Thought is energy. As energy, it could connect to others with positive attitudes to enable all to work together and add values to our lives. Lao Tzu had called for selflessness in our behaviors. Einstein, had advised people that the "highest destiny of an individual is to serve rather than to rule". Drucker has advised serving of customers to get things done or make things happen. Juran and Chandler had seen a change and control or form and substance dualism which corresponds to the yin and yang causation that makes things happen. By acting and behaving with selflessness, serving others to advance our common goals and interests and doing of the right things, we are in fact serving ourselves best and better able to ride the force of change.
From authoritative surveys, we have found that the method of getting things done through people is through the common rule-of-thumb approach. This is not different from the Sun Tzu Art of War Strategy originally employed by ancient Chinese in warfare. Through such two-way pro-people and pro-right strategy, we could leverage on utilization of our limited resource. In short, the principal strategy of Sun Tzu Art of War is value-adding interactions with people we are working and living with including our spouse, family members, subordinates, stakeholders, business partners, and ultimately customers as stated in the aphorism "Know your enemy as well as yourself, hundred victories are assured in hundred battles". Daniel Goleman has only elaborated on such interaction in a different way in his book "Emotional Intelligence" describing how people interact for two-way mutual benefits through both intelligence and emotion. In his further book “Social Intelligence” Goleman went further to suggest that we interact based on shared attention, positive feeling and and well-cordinated nonverbal duet. He postulated that the average worker “Joe” attains a "flow" through internalizing logical workflow processess as an integral part of his own personal competencies or psyche. Such an EQ-IQ balance approach is not very different from that pro-people and pro-right two-way interactions with people as practized in Sun Tzu Art of War strategy. It is also not very different from the harnessing of social forces of organizations proposed by management thinkers like Chester Barnard etc.
Before embarking on our journey of change let us learn how to conquer our inner resistance to change. This is a well known fact of human nature as elaborated by Stephen R. Covey in his book "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", that we are born with an inner mental map or perception which often leads us to the wrong territories, missing the wood for the tree. Because of such a mental paradigm, people tend to be chasing after the eggs instead of glooming the goose that lay the golden eggs. That is the reason why many of us human beings are living lives of unhappiness and disappointments. There are many other different ways of presenting such inner mental resistance to change. Dr. Edward De Bono for example had explained in his book “The Use of Lateral Thinking” that we tend to be afraid of change because of a certain mental habit called vertical thinking. Dr. Spencer Johnson took yet another approach in his book “Who move my cheese” to attribute resistance to change as attributable to fear for change or habit of settling into comfort zone. There are still other ways of talking about change.
Robert P. Crawford had pointed out that “creative thinking is today's most prized possession for any individual, corporation or country. It has the capacity to change you, your business and the world” Guy Kawasaki had pointed out that businesses need to compete on a strategy of entrepreneurship and critical thinking with this advice: "It is the unproven entrepreneurs who start the world-changing companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Apple, e-Bay, Microsoft, Google, Yahoo and Youtube.
Kawasaki further pointed out that it is his theory that serial entrepreneurs fail for these reasons:
(1) try to prove their first success was not a fluke
(2) cannot distinguish between causation and correlation
(3) use same theories again
(4) use the same people again
(5) don't work as hard as before
(6) don't get smacked around enough
(7) fill new roles in the next companies.
Jack Welch, an ex-chief executive of General Electrics had successfully transformed it from a relatively small enterprise into the world's biggest corporation of its time as explained in his book "Winning" (co-authored with ex-wife Suzy).
Welch's mission for General Electrics reads : “We want to be the most competitive company in the world by being the number one or number two in every market – fixing, selling and closing every underperforming business that cannot get there" backed up the four rules of thumb as stated in the foregoing. He simply zooms in on a strategy to interact with people to arrive at value-adding pro-people and pro-strategy work processes that bind all to work together in cooperative relationships. He gave weightage to integrity, intelligence and maturity in employment of right talent with energy, energizing ability, edge ("yes"/"no" tough decision making) execution and passion. In recruiting top-level management personnel, he expected additional qualities namely: authenticity, ability to see around corners and surround themselves with smarter people than themselves. He emphasised on need for adoption of strategies. He showed that throughout 1970s, the Japanese companies had been making headways in commoditizing manufacturing to the extent that it became uncompetitive for American companies like General Electrics to stay in the same low-cost manufacturing sector. He strategized General Electrics to change direction from commoditized mode to a value-add service-oriented upmarket manufacturing backed up by shaping of values or behaviors. His strategies clearly consist of turning the intangible concepts to pro-people and pro-strategy workflow processes to sustain pro-customer and pro-market total quality management. He adapted the Six Sigma originally used by Motorola for tactical quality control in production for this purpose of implementing his pro-people and pro-strategy management.
Jack Welch's central strategy is to convert intangible concepts and mission statement to pro-people, and pro-strategy processes through shared values based on four simple rules of behaviors namely:-
Strong mission and value
Voice and Dignity.